Green Living is Healthy Living.

All sorts of changes going on here at Green Village Green!  Welcome back if you are a long time follower – and wonderful to meet you if you are new.

Going Green Gently is the title of a book in the making.  It will take a while to be ready for publication as I am planning to illustrate it too (did you know I am an artist?) which will take at least another year!

‘Going Green’ seemed a much kinder title than the more demanding ‘Go Green’.  My green living discoveries, successes and failures will, hopefully, amuse and inspire you.  There will be step by step checklists and personal stories.

I will also be reporting on the exciting progress of, the creation of my dear Australian friend Nev.  The first facility in the world is expected to open in 2023 in the USA, hopefully in Tennessee (I’m biased).  His huge surfboard company led to the development of a process which he has used to manufacture buildings made of mixed clean/dirty plastic.  Not only beautiful, they will withstand force 5 hurricanes.  Check out his website above.  Nev has partnered with several other companies who together can address not only low cost housing, but also overflowing landfills, energy created from waste, recycling, and the treatment and use of coal ash slurry.  If you are as excited about the possibilities as I am, contact me here.

As well as all the above I represent two very healthy wellness, nutrition and skincare lines.

Apologies that I have been offline for a long while are in order.  Technology is not my forte and regularly smoke billows from my ears.  My word of the year in 2022 was Simplify.  That was helped by my closing down the GreenVillageGreen website and Google closing down my email.  Don’t ask.

This year it is Inspire.

A little about me

Growing up in Britain, with a large vegetable garden and parents who composted and recycled everything they could lay their hands on, potted acorns and then planted their little oak trees wherever they could (long before anyone knew what a carbon footprint was), I couldn’t help but be passionate about our beautiful planet.

An M.A. from Manchester led to 14 years as an art teacher.  I’ve been a potter in the UK, a PE teacher in Bangladesh (don’t ask!), a successful watercolor artist in Oman, and spent 10 years as a natural wellness consultant in Washington DC. Now in East Tennessee, my entrepreneurial streak has taken wing – I have finally given birth to Green Village Green LLC, which, when it becomes a household name in the US, maybe I’ll expand it globally!

I love my family, friends and animals, which have included dogs, cats and the lawn-mowing sheep, Seamus and Finnegan (having moved on to greener pastures with a herbalist friend), my home in the Yorkshire Dales, interesting old buildings, the natural beauty of every kind, and life in general.

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